Step 4:
Analyze the IT and Develop the Target Conceptual Solution Architecture
Version 1.5, December 2006
Step 4: Analyze
the IT and Develop the Target Conceptual Solution Architecture, builds on the analysis from Step 3 by focusing on the maturation of the IT Portfolio. With detailed analysis and scoring of the
current IT portfolio, the analyst will be able to develop the target conceptual
solution architecture as well as perform alternatives analysis where gaps are
The target state
will include business, enabling, and support services that are either re-used
from the current portfolio, leveraged from existing enterprise services, or
established as new services via projects to develop them. Each service will have a view into what new
or existing systems will support the service, identify the authoritative data
sources (ADS) for the service, and have a clear view into what functions and/or
stakeholders the service will be supporting.
At the conclusion
of this step, the analysis and service rationale are presented to and approved
by the appropriate architecture governance teams.
CTRL + click the activities for activity
details ŕ |
Inputs (source) |
EA Repository Portfolio Reports including: Inventory CIO Integration Portfolio Reference Model Mappings As-Is System Data Store Information Initial Business Focus Area Metadata (Step 2) |
All previous work products with an emphasis on: Business Area Products and
Services Maturity Model (Step 2) Activity Diagrams for Critical
Value Chain Components (Step 3) ADS Analysis As-Is System Interface Diagram Systems and Services Description and Scoring (As-Is) |
Note: The input list is common for both Activities As-Is System Interface Diagram Systems and Services Description and Scoring (Target) Integrated Target Services and Systems Model Solution Architecture Document Target Data Entity Stewardship
Matrix (Step 3) |
Systems and Services Description and Scoring (Target) Integrated Target Services and Systems Model Solution Architecture Document Architecture Decision Document Enterprise Architecture Repository Portfolio Reports
(Dashboard view) |
Outputs |
Initial Business Focus Area Metadata As-Is System Interface Diagram Systems and Services Description and Scoring (As-Is) Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and Decommission Authoritative Data Source
Analysis (includes As-Is Data Store to Target Logical Data Model Entity
Matrix; As-Is Data Store ADS Assessment Matrix; and the ADS Scoring Summary) |
Systems and Services Description and Scoring (Target) Integrated Target Services and Systems Model Solution Architecture Document |
None |
Architecture Decision Document |
Presentation on Systems, Services, and Investments
Analysis |
Who |
EA Repository Team [I] Core Team [I] System Owners [I] |
Core Team [I] |
Core Team [I] |
Core Team [I,C] |
Governance Teams [C] |
Duration (calendar
days for an average project based on past projects) |
45 days |
10 days |
5 days |
5 days |
5 days |
Complexity |
Keys to Success: The key to a business driven solution architecture is to gather quality information about the as-is solution environment and to leverage the business analysis results from previous steps. Be sure to also leverage Federal and eGov solutions. Start interviews for this step early. |
Now that the
business services and business functions have been analyzed, the analyst
focuses on the existing set of solutions that currently enable the business
area. This step focuses on:
· setting BFA IT Portfolio based on line of sight and creating BFA EA reporting website
· gathering architecture information in support of system scoring and total cost of ownership input
· constructing As-Is System artifacts
· performing system scoring to guide target state recommendations.
1. Populate the Business Focus Area Metadata template to establish the IT Portfolio scope based on the Line of Sight information gathered in previous MBT steps. Note that this activity can begin in parallel with MBT Step 2.
a. Using the Blueprint Team Website and MBT Products previously produced (specifically URL Links) as a source for most fields, update the metadata about the Business Focus Area.
b. Validate the IT Portfolio using the BFA line of sight information by performing heuristics analysis against the enterprise view of the repository reports. This will ensure a more comprehensive view that incorporates into the scope those items that may have been missed by looking solely at the portfolio from a BFA viewpoint.
i. Go to the Enterprise View or, where appropriate, the organization-specific view, and review report sections where the IT Portfolio (Systems, Boundaries, Investments) are mapped to performance objectives, business functions, information classes/entities, and Services/Components
ii. Using this list of systems, determine if the BFA is a primary or secondary focus of the system. If systems were discovered in earlier steps that are not in the enterprise architecture repository, add those to the template as well, and plan for data collection interviews.
2. Coordinate with EA Repository Administrator to load BFA Metadata Template and establish a BFA-specific reporting site.
a. By having this information, reports can be automatically generated based on the IT Portfolio and line of sight information. Review these reports for the BFA IT Portfolio analyze for discrepancies between what has been collected vs. what should be collected. List discrepancies and identify sources for gathering the missing information. Track the level of data collected for each system. This will guide you on how much system data collection interviews that will need to be performed in this step
3. With the IT Portfolio defined, conduct As-Is System/Service Interviews. Interviews are made up of four parts. Note that this activity can begin in parallel with MBT Step 2. Schedule interview and distribute any read-ahead materials to prepare the interviewees:
a. Data
i. Follow the enterprise architecture repository activity guidance and data collection templates provided on the department public EA web site. Decide which activities will be necessary to complete the scoring template based on the scope and objectives of the blueprint (i.e., do not perform steps that are not necessary to complete analysis). If collection will be required on a medium to large scale, it is recommended to use the enterprise architecture guidance templates and create a workbook of forms.
For example new or detailed guidance items such as System to Data Store Information, Data Entity Mapping, System to new BRM extension mappings, and Deployment information is likely not fully populated and will require data collection activity.
ii. After collection, coordinate with the Managing Organization’s Chief Architect to load this As-Is System information into the enterprise architecture repository. This is especially important for new systems, so that they can manage his information as part of MBT Step 13.
Data Source Analysis
the systems being evaluated and scored, identify and map their core underlying
data stores to the Target Logical Data Model information classes and core
entity types. This mapping will identify
redundant sources of data that is being maintained in disparate systems, and
candidates for scoring and selecting an Authoritative Data Source for cohesive
grouping of data in the target solution architecture. These mappings will be recorded in the As-Is
Data Store to Target Logical Data Model Entity Matrix (part of the ADS Analysis
each core entity type or information class, perform an assessment of each of
the as-is data stores mapped to a core entity type or information class in the
Target Logical Data Model. The
assessment includes evaluating at a high-level the data stores quality,
reusability, and stewardship. Based on
this assessment, each as-is data store is scored and an ADS is designated for
each core entity or information class in the Target Logical Data Model. The assessment results are recorded in the
As-Is Data Store ADS Assessment and the scores are recorded in the ADS Scoring
Summary (part of the ADS Analysis template).
c. Total
Cost of Ownership (TCO)
i. Follow the guidance provided in template to adequately interview and assess the TCO for this system.
d. System
and Service Scoring Input Collection
i. Review the Scoring template to get a better idea of the types of information that are important for these interviews. Pre-populate based on information provided in the enterprise architecture repository. To do this, here are a few suggestions:
ii. Review the stakeholder exchange diagrams and SWOT in order to get an understanding of the stakeholder needs and their thoughts on the business area
iii. Brainstorm a collection of solutions that are relevant for this interview process
4. After performing interviews, and documenting notes, make sure to catalog interview notes for future reference and input into other steps.
5. Construct as-is architecture artifacts listed for this activity and complete scoring template
6. Based on interviews and existing documentation, construct the As-Is System Interface Diagram. This diagram depicts systems and the data they exchange between the systems. These data items should be linked within the architecture repository to the entities in the logical data model that was constructed in earlier Activities.
7. Complete the As-Is Systems Scoring template following the guidance provided in the template
Brief the Core Modernization Blueprint Team on
the results of the As-Is Systems Scoring
The data quality across organizations varies greatly. Therefore, coordinate early in performing the data collection planning steps and perform in parallel with MBT Steps 1 thru 3. Leverage data quality scorecards provided to organizations on a periodic basis as well to gain insight early into data completeness and accuracy.
To mitigate risk even further, it will be important to coordinate with organization’s Chief Architect’s as soon as you find out your IT Portfolio and Line of Sight.
Also, after establishing your IT Portfolio and Line of
Sight, contact the enterprise architecture repository team early to plan on
when your team will require the BFA Portfolio reporting site section in support
of Step 4.
Suggest use the templates as noted in the activities
to maintain submission, load, and QA status of the load effort.
Initial Business Focus Area Metadata: The spreadsheet captures the metadata about the business focus area. Only populate the following sections: Descriptive, Blueprint Status, MBT Products for Review, Business Mission and Vision, Team Information, Portfolio, Line of Sight (Reference Models).
TEMPLATE: [See Step 2
or 6 for Templates]
As-Is System Interface Diagram: This work product depicts the existing systems within the business area (and sometimes external to the business area) and the data that is exchanged between those systems in the current state.
· TEMPLATE: As-Is System Interface Diagram (PDF format)
System Interface Diagram (VISIO format)
Cost Ownership (TCO) and Decommission Template:
Total Cost of
Ownership template captures activities and estimated for total cost to provide,
deliver, support, and manage a system.
Cost Ownership (TCO) and Decommission Template (Excel)
TEMPLATE: Enterprise
Architecture Repository BFA Portfolio Reports Section (Intranet)
Systems and Services Description and Scoring (As-Is): This work product is a quantitative assessment of the business area’s systems and services across several dimensions including data, business fit, technology fit, applications design, service management, and security maturity.
and Services Description and Scoring (As-Is) (Excel format)
Data Source Analysis: This work product contains the templates for the
following: As-Is Data Store to Target
Logical Data Model Entity Matrix; As-Is Data Store ADS Assessment Matrix; and
the ADS Scoring Summary.
TEMPLATE: Authoritative
Data Source Analysis (Excel)
This activity will
focus on delivering the conceptual solution architecture. For each major business function, review the
services required (as noted from Step 2) by stakeholders to:
· establish services interface needs
· identify authoritative data source requirements
· capture service qualities
· note initial gap findings and recommendations
· note repeatable patterns
These activities
will result in documenting Target Business Services integrated with supporting
systems and defined authoritative data sources (ADS) including rationale
supporting these services.
NOTE: This activity
focused on business services. Activity 3
focuses on enabling and support services from an enterprise perspective and Activity
4 identifies business, enabling, and support services where systems and ADS are
not available (i.e., gap exists). In
this activity, avoid diving too deep into the enabling and supporting services. Make placeholder notes to record and capture any
observations and issues that can be revisited further in Activities 3 and 4.
1. Review
the Business Products and Services Matrix and the Value-Chain with Service
Overlay from MBT Step 3
Review the Business Services Model/Matrix to
gain an understanding of the target service maturity needs. This will assure
that the architecture maturity for each service is in line with the near-term
and long-term needs of the service (i.e. will avoid over-engineering
architecture to best of breed and instead to best of “need”).
Review Value-Chain with Service Overlay to gain
an understanding of what functions require what service.
2. Load
each service onto a new Integrated Services and System Model. In general
organize the services on the diagram by the value-chain function.
For each service added, add an item to the
Target Services and Systems Scoring Template List in the Services Column.
3. For each SRM service or BRM value chain function above, using the enterprise architecture reports, discover which systems support those functions and services
a. If a system is a target candidate based on As-Is System Scoring, update the rationale and score of the service on the template. Rationale should consider:
Review and capture ADS candidates for this
service using ADS Analysis input and Logical Data Model (from MBT Step 3).
ii. Use of Service and define interface needs or new interfaces for each stakeholder of the functions. Note redundancy/repeatable business patterns in services.
iii. Operational Qualities such as scalability, security, agility, reliability, flexibility, etc. i.e. consider whether systems were intended and can be used for a new target purpose, and what those target qualities are.
b. Update Integrated Services and System Model by associating system to the service it is supporting, and add or describe the interfaces to other services. It may be necessary to keep multiple views with varying levels of detail and business focus. The template provides overview and system view.
Optional: Capture Performance Measurement Results as
well as Labor Costs Attribution of services.
If the enterprise architecture repository environment is setup to support
analytic annotation of symbols in a data-driven fashion, enable the capability
to show the labor cost range as a super-note icon, and color-code symbols based
on current performance
4. This is a very iterative process, so with each system you review, iterate on the services model and target scoring to assure all angles are captured.
5. Update the Solution Architecture Document Outline with key findings, rationale, and appropriate figures. Note and search on all areas where “Editors Notes” exist as these are the points where blueprint specific edits such as with key findings, rationale, and appropriate figures are required.
When looking at service models and considering or noting where service patterns will fundamentally change the way an organization may function, it will be critical to re-visit with Core Team the service organizational impacts early so they can consider these impacts. It is typically these types of changes that impact the blueprint implementation success the most.
Systems and Services Description and Scoring (Target): This work product is a quantitative assessment of the business area’s systems and services across several dimensions including data, business fit, technology fit, applications design, service management, and security maturity.
and Services Description and Scoring (Target) (Excel format)
Integrated Target Services and Systems Model: A diagram showing the target services and systems as well as the overview
TEMPLATE: Integrated
Target Services and Systems Model (PDF format)
TEMPLATE: Integrated Target Services and Systems Model (Visio
Solution Architecture Document: Review Editor Notes and begin to capture notes of what needs to be updated in the solution architecture document. These notes will be based off activity 2 rationale
Architecture Document (Word format)
This activity focuses
on all services available from an enterprise perspective to align and re-use
enterprise and Federal-wide service investments. This activity is similar to Activity 2,
except that it is performed from an enterprise service perspective.
This essentially
is an iteration of the blueprint analysis performed in the three previous activities. The intent is to ensure that enterprise
asset, service, and component re-use is considered as part of an overall
portfolio analysis.
1. Review
the Enterprise Transition Plan, Enterprise Conceptual Architecture, and all
Enterprise Architecture Artifacts created from previous Step 6 efforts.
It is strongly suggested at this point to engage
the overall enterprise architect support to collaboratively perform the next activity.
This will assure that the architecture
maturity for each enterprise service is in line with the near-term and
long-term needs of the blueprint needs for service use. Gain familiarity with the Enterprise Architecture
Principles, Guidance, and Strategy as well as the Enterprise Solution
Architecture Guidance Template.
2. For
each SRM service or BRM value chain function above, identify related
3. If an enterprise service is a target candidate based on As-Is System Scoring, update the rationale and score of the service on the template. Federal services include e-Gov, LOB, and SmartBuy using FTF, OMB Segment Architecture Guidance. Department services include Enterprise Investments and Enterprise Infrastructure projects, along with others as described in the enterprise transition plan and related strategy documents
4. When documenting services, use rationale to capture impacts such as tolerance, impedance, and exceptions in each of the following service areas. These enterprise services can provide a foundation for reuse of applications, application capabilities, components, and business-enabling services. Some organizations will likely have limiting factors to the level of re-use that can be accommodated. Service related questions and other considerations include:
a. Business Services – Are there different business rules, mandates, drivers, stakeholders that the enterprise business service has not considered?
b. Enabling Services (white) – Are there competing investments in an organization providing Customer, Process Automation, Business Management, Digital Asset, Business Analytical, and Back Office Services?
Support Services (orange) – Are their
organization’s involved in the blueprint which cannot use the enterprise
support services due to complex network requirements, disconnected locations,
or legislative limitations?
ADS Candidates are reviewed and captured for the
service based upon the existing ADS analysis.
e. Use of Service can help define interface needs or new interfaces for each stakeholder or function. Note any redundancy/repeatable business patterns in the services.
f. Operational Qualities such as scalability, security, agility, reliability, flexibility, etc. i.e. consider whether systems were intended and can be used for a new target purpose, and what those target qualities are.
5. Update
Integrated Services and System Model as performed in Activity 2.
6. Update
the Solution Architecture Document Outline with key findings, rationale, and
appropriate figures
When considering leveraging Enterprise Services, validate your enterprise re-use impact document with Organizational IT Leadership such as a CIO, Chief Architect, Infrastructure Lead, or project representatives to confirm that indeed the enterprise services can be used in the organizational environment recommended or to capture limiting factors. These conversations will may lead to iteration on the target services and updating of the rationale.
Updated Solution Architecture Document: Overall focus on highlighting the scope and level of change discovered including As-Is State of the Architecture, Target Service Architecture Overview, Portfolio Re-use Highlights, and Major Gaps and Alternative Analysis
· TEMPLATE: Solution Architecture Document (Word format)
Updated Systems and Services Description and Scoring: This work product is a quantitative assessment of the business area’s systems and services across several dimensions including data, business fit, technology fit, applications design, service management, and security maturity.
and Services Description and Scoring (Excel format)
Updated Integrated Target Services and Systems Model: A diagram showing the target services and systems
Target Services and Systems Model (PDF format)
Target Services and Systems Model (Visio format)
In previous steps,
as-is and target blueprint business services were analyzed and all enterprise
services, including business, enabling, and support enterprise services, have also
been analyzed with respect to the BFA. It is likely that there may still be gaps
where the target architecture new requirements are not fulfilled by the
existing architecture systems, components, and data sources.
A gap analysis is
performed to ensure that the IT portfolio gaps are identified, and raw inputs
to IT Portfolio findings for the blueprint are captured. This step will facilitate documentation of
such gaps, as well as provide a basis for performing alternative analysis for
each service using the Integrated Target Services and Systems Model and the
Systems and Services Description and Scoring.
Review the
Systems and Services Scoring template for any system stated in the As-Is but
not is not referenced as Target or Both.
decommissioning activities required and estimate cost ranges. Use As-Is scoring results, note the gaps score
and consolidation/retirement recommendation as part of gap rationale.
2. For each target service, identify and document
all gaps in the Architecture Decision template using
scoring results rationale as inputs into the gaps. This will facilitate scoping architecture
decisions and the analysis of alternatives.
a. In architecture decisions, capture migration / partial
decommissioning activities required and estimate cost ranges where existing
systems will be supporting target services. Wrapping legacy systems with service
interfaces is a Development / Modernization / Enhancement (DME) investment that
will need to be captured in Step 5, as well as noted in the findings. This will guide level of complexity for
completing Step 11.
Update the
Solution Architecture Document Outline with key findings, rationale, and
appropriate figures.
Ultimately, this step captures notes that will be used in developing findings and recommendation in MBT Step 5. Any notes relative to the gaps will be documented in further detail as to impacts to implementing the architecture as needed in Steps 10 and 11.
The architecture decisions will be critical in guiding the open issues and resolutions to address gaps. Documentation should be as complete as necessary based on the complexity and clarity of the gap or issue.
Architecture Decision: This work product contains the gap analysis, draft architecture decisions, including alternative analysis.
Decision (Excel format)
Draft Solution Architecture Document: Overall focus on highlighting the scope and level of change discovered including As-Is State of the Architecture, Target Service Architecture Overview, Portfolio Re-use Highlights, and Major Gaps and Alternative Analysis
· TEMPLATE: Solution Architecture Document (Word format)
Updated Systems and Services Description and Scoring: This work product is a quantitative assessment of the business area’s systems and services across several dimensions including data, business fit, technology fit, applications design, service management, and security maturity.
· TEMPLATE: Systems and Services Description and Scoring (Excel format)
Updated Integrated Target Services and Systems Model: A diagram showing the target services and systems
· TEMPLATE: Integrated Target Services and Systems Model (PDF format)
· TEMPLATE: Integrated Target Services and Systems Model (Visio format)
Updated Total
Cost Ownership (TCO) and Decommission Template:
System Decommission,
which is closely tied to the Total Cost of Ownership template captures
activities and estimated for total cost to migrate, consolidate, retire, and
finally decommission a system.
Cost Ownership (TCO) and Decommission Template (Excel)
This activity
summarizes the as-is IT portfolio analysis, recommended target concept, and
findings on the gaps discovered. The communications
strategy should include periodic outreach to governance teams, and the review
and approval of intermediate results, to help ensure acceptance and success of
the overall Blueprint effort.
1. Review, update, and finalize the Systems and
Services Description and Scoring and Integrated Target Services and Systems
Model to ensure that the results of the analyses performed during this step are
adequately incorporated.
a. When creating the Target Services and System Interaction diagrams it is important to note that this will be a critical communications product. When using it in presentations, create an Overview Diagram of the Target Services and System Interaction Diagram, as well as the As-Is System Interface Diagram.
b. NOTE:
Where the Target Services and System Interaction Diagram will have Functions
which have services that have systems with interfaces at the services and
system level, the Overview would have Functions which have services with system
counts and rolled up services interfaces
2. Summarize target solution architecture and gaps,
along with any recommendations, into a 2-3 page executive summary using the
Solution Architecture Document template.
3. Schedule and perform governance reviews of
Solution Architecture Document. The decision gates for completing this step
include Business Governance, Data Governance, Technology Governance, Chief
Architect Governance, and Capital Planning Governance.
4. Update the Solution Architecture Document, Systems
and Services Description and Scoring and Integrated Target Services and Systems
Model based on feedback from each governance team.
5. Create
a briefing that depicts the target business products and services, architecture
decisions, ADS target decisions, and Solution Architecture Overview
In general, each
governance team will have a separate focus.
Business Governance (e.g., Interior Business
Architecture Team [IBAT]) will focus on business services
Data Governance (e.g., Data Advisory Committee [DAC])
will review of data artifacts, ADS, and data services
Technology Governance (e.g., CTO Council and
Technology Evaluation Teams [CTOC/TET]) will focus on Support services and
enabling services. Feedback will likely focus on closing the gap on service
rationale, gap/alternative analysis, and proposing enterprise license re-use
· Chief Architect Governance (e.g., Interior Architecture Working Group [IAWG]) will provide input on all services but likely focused on service re-use and identifying enterprise service opportunities
· Capital Planning Governance (e.g., Capital Planning Working Team [CPWT]) will key in on portfolio re-use and new investment needs
Updated Architecture Decision: This work product contains the gap analysis, draft architecture decisions, including alternative analysis.
· TEMPLATE: Architecture Decision (Excel format)
Final Solution Architecture Document: Overall focus on highlighting the scope and level of change discovered including As-Is State of the Architecture, Target Service Architecture Overview, Portfolio Re-use Highlights, and Major Gaps and Alternative Analysis
Architecture Document (Word format)
Final Systems and Services Description and Scoring: This work product is a quantitative assessment of the business area’s systems and services across several dimensions including data, business fit, technology fit, applications design, service management, and security maturity.
and Services Description and Scoring (Excel format)
Final Integrated Target Services and Systems Model: A diagram showing the target services and systems
Target Services and Systems Model (PDF format)
Target Services and Systems Model (Visio format)
Presentation on Systems, Services, and
Investments Analysis: This
briefing will describe the summary results of the target business products and
services, architecture decisions, ADS target decisions, and Solution Architecture
TEMPLATE: Presentation
on Systems, Services, and Investments Analysis Template (PowerPoint)
Conceptual Architecture Document
CTOC Intranet site
Chief Technology Officer
Council (CTOC) intranet site on specifically referencing the Interior Solution
Architecture Volume I: Target Logical Solution and Service-Oriented Application
Reference Architecture as provided by the Service Oriented Integration Center
of Excellence. This includes the Solution Architecture Template Guidance which
has the Architecture Decision Template.
EA Information Management Guidance Section: (If System Data Collection Required) Use this website for guidance on collection the following system information: System Inventory, CIO Integration, Reference Models, and MBT Modeling requirements.
Enterprise Architecture Repository - EA
Information Management Guidance Section
Raines Rules (for use in System Scoring Criteria Validation)
Solution Architecture Artifacts
The following table lists the artifacts for a solution complying with the Enterprise Solution Architecture document (i.e. Interior Solution Architecture (ISA)) document published by the Solution Architecture Governance Group (i.e. Chief Technology Officer Council (CTOC)).
The table shows artifacts produced during the MBT and shows how they are relevant to the ISA’s requirements for the solution architecture. The first three columns show the MBT step, product, and how the blueprint product supports the related artifact in the solution architecture documentation.
For Example, the first row
states in MBT Step 2, a Vision document is produced which is the business
description as captured as a brief narrative in the solution architecture
document which is required.
MBT Step |
MBT Product Name(s) |
Blueprint Supported |
Artifact |
Related Sub-architecture |
Comments |
Required |
2 |
Vision Document |
is |
Description |
Business |
Brief narrative |
Required |
3 |
Business Process Models |
contributes to |
Use Case Model |
Business |
Diagram or text
high-level with text documenting each use case and actor |
Required |
3 |
Business Services
Matrix |
provides |
Requirements |
Business |
List |
Required |
3, 6, 13 |
is |
Solution Subject
Areas and Information Classes |
Data |
List |
Required |
3 |
Target System and
Services Diagram, System Services Description/Scoring |
is |
SRM mapped to
business functionality |
Application |
Diagram |
As needed |
4 |
Target System and
Services Diagram |
is |
Solution Overview
Diagram (SOD) |
Business |
Enhanced in
subsequent steps with business and integration pattern and service components
overlays |
Required |
4 |
EA Repository
Portfolio Reports – Data Mapping Reports |
contains |
Solution data
mapped to the enterprise entities or classes |
Data |
List |
Required |
4 |
Description |
Yes |
Reference Model |
Technology |
Diagram |
Required for COTS
products and new development |
3, 9 |
Logical Data
Model |
is |
Relationship Diagram (ERD) |
Data |
Diagram |
As needed for new
development |
3, 9 |
Logical Data
Model |
contributes to |
Object Role Model (ORM) diagram |
Data |
Diagram |
As needed for new
development |
11 |
Patterns and Tiers |
is |
Patterns and Tiers |
Application |
Diagram |
As needed |
11 |
User Roles and
Security Levels |
is |
User Roles and
Security Levels |
Security |
List |
Required |
11 |
Procedures |
is |
Procedures |
Security |
Document |
Required |
11 |
Data Security |
is |
Data Security |
Security |
Document |
Required |
11 |
Access |
is |
Access |
Security |
Document |
Required |
11 |
Security Boundaries |
is |
Security Boundaries |
Security |
Diagram |
Required |
11 |
Technology |
is |
Technology |
Security |
Document |
Required |
4,11 |
System and
Service Scoring |
provides |
Requirements |
Application |
List |
Required |