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Methodology for Business Transformation

 Toolkit: Guidance and Templates

 Current Version: 1.5.3
(1.0: November 2004, 1.5: December 2006, 1.5.3 Minor: September 2007)

MBT 1.5 is the next generation release of the business-driven EA Approach to business transformation and integrated change. Please review the MBT Training Materials to gain an understanding of why use MBT, who does it help, and learning best practices in applying MBT.

Key Documents

 Training  Project Planning  Download Guidance
    Phase 1 :
    Step a
    Phase 2 :
    Step b | c
    Phase 3 :
    Step 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
    Phase 5 :
    Step 13

 Click on a step to see guidance summary, detail, and supporting templates.
